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Hi, I'm Minnie Rose


I'm an accredited Personal Harmony Values Coach & Trainer, Concomitant Healer, Parenting Spiritually Coach & Trainer. I completed my training including Spiritual Counselling, Relationship Counselling, Healing & Philosophy with Sphinx Spiritual on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia. 

I'm passionate about being a better parent of my 3 teenage/ young adult children & continue to work on my own personal & spiritual development, pushing myself to grow & live a fulfilling life on purpose! 

I specialise in helping people that want to be better partners, parents, friends & leaders. I help you achieve more love, balance & well-being.

Be stronger emotionally, mentally, spiritually & physically, learn what it is to truly grow and have more harmony in your life...


If you're ready to grow, I'd love to work with you!

Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia

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