Personal Harmony
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony” Gandhi
Personal Harmony Values Coaching will give you long term sustainable happiness & a more fulfilling life
* You see exactly what changes you need to make in your personal & work life
* I coach you step by step with the knowledge & support to move forward in your life
* You learn to trust yourself & follow your own path in life
* You learn how to be more loving to yourself & others
* You feel more capable in life with a strong foundation for you to use & go back to for the rest of your life!
Personal Harmony Values Program is a fully customised program that gives an individual evaluation & results with specific answers & actions to take to make foundational change & be on track to a more authentic life. You receive a foundation of knowledge, perspective, self awareness & what actions to take to improve your life.
Your Personal evaluation will help you see how positive your current values are and where you are sabotaging or holding yourself back from realising true personal harmony - includes graphs, insights, percentage results and a way forward.
Then we go deeper into your results questions to uncover your specific blocks & issues giving you the perspective & changes to apply to bring true harmony to your life
The Group program will facilitate a more harmonious & successful group or team
Level 1 - Personal Harmony -
- decrease Negative Patterns that Repeat, Ego, Judgement & Fear
- increase Honesty, Accountability, Choice, Self Belief & Equality in your life
By applying your values in your daily life you will guarantee Growth, Happiness & Fulfilment in your life!
You will naturally start Sharing Energy more and be of service to others simply through the living of your life.
Level 2 - Harmony with your environment - includes your current strength of Character, Wisdom, Independence, Idealism, Being expressive, Passion, Adaptability, Health, Concern for the environment & Need for Deeper Meaning in your relationships
The first simple step... to complete your questionnaires online to begin your journey to Personal Harmony & Harmony with your Environment! Contact me to begin!
'If you neglect your values, you de-value yourself. Take a risk. Feel the difference!' - www.wantpersonalharmony.com

Deb, Mt Martha
"Sessions with Minnie are truely amazing in helping me transform the areas that are holding me back from living my best life. The Values Based Sessions with Minnie have been effective in personal growth and discovery, enabling me to lead a more fulfilling, enriching life of purpose. Thank you so much Minnie."
Mandy, Balnarring
"I have easily accessible tools to make real change in everyday situations that support my growth and bring a sense of confident perspective in multiple areas of my life"
Paula, NSW
"This program made sense to me. It challenged some of my habit patterns in a way that inspired me to make some changes. It provided answers as to why I do some of the things I do and when I saw this clearly the information provided me with a spring board to implement change. ”